Common Signs of Whiplash or Traumatic Brain Injury

Personal Injury News | April 3, 2019

Car accidents are a common cause of whiplash and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), but these injuries can also happen at workplaces where heavy objects are used. Any kind of violent force to the neck or head can result in these wounds. Medical expenses can rank high, especially if your condition takes years to improve. However, you may not have to struggle with paying all the medical bills.

If the accident was caused by the negligence of someone else, like another driver, then the court can reward you compensation. Settlements can cover medical costs and lost wages after an accident. Talk to a Syracuse Personal Injury Lawyer if you are having trouble obtaining a fair settlement from your insurance company.

Symptoms and Treatments for Whiplash

The speed of a car accident is so quick that no one has time to brace themselves for the impact. Whiplash occurs when the head is abruptly thrown forward and back. This movement can damage muscles, tendons, nerves, or vertebrae in the neck.

Pain from whiplash often leads to stiffness, headaches, shoulder aches, and fatigue. Almost any kind of prolonged pain can make someone feel tired because the body is expending energy. Stress from the discomfort often prevents healthy sleep. In some instances, symptoms can worsen and lead to:

  • Sleep problems
  • Memory and concentration difficulties
  • Depression from chronic pain or lack of sleep
  • Blurry vision or ringing ears

Severe cases of whiplash involve chronic pain, which may require ongoing treatments like prescription drugs, injections, or physical therapy. The usual treatment involves anti-inflammatory drugs and applied heat or cold to the area.

Signs of Traumatic Brain Injury

TBIs are the result of a blunt force to the head. Playing sports, driving, being hit on the head, or falling can all cause this type of injury. Brain tissue, while sensitive to forceful hits, is normally protected by fluid and a tough skull. Violent hits to the head send powerful vibrations that surpass these protective factors and damage the actual brain tissue.

Common Signs of Whiplash or Traumatic Brain InjuryThe first things you will notice are a headache, confusion, dizziness, blurry vision, and fatigue. These symptoms vary depending on the severity, but may grow into problems with your memory, attention, and overall thinking. Moderate-to-severe damage can cause vomiting, seizures, weakness or numbness in your arms or legs, and poor coordination.

Treatments for TBI often involve rehabilitation and physical therapy because brain damage is often irreversible. When you are first diagnosed, your doctor will stabilize the injury by checking for skull fractures. This is done to ensure that no further damage occurs.

Personal injury Lawyer in New York

Medical expenses for whiplash and traumatic brain injuries can continue far longer than most injuries. Physical therapy and other forms of long-term care are not free. If you have suffered any one of these injuries after a car accident caused by another driver, consider talking to a New York Personal Injury Attorney.

At Gattuso & Ciotoli, we can offer you over 50 years of experience in defending clients with personal injuries in and across Syracuse, New York. Call (315) 314-8000 today for a free consultation or if you have any questions about our four areas of practice.