Why is a Labor Lawyer Needed in New York?

Accident News,Employment Law News,Personal Injury News | January 29, 2024

Facing occasional challenges at work is a normal part of life that typically resolves itself without incident. However, finding yourself in a position that threatens your rights as an employee calls for more than a wait-and-see approach. Speak with a New York labor lawyer to discuss challenging issues that may threaten your employment to discuss New York employment law.

Why New York Labor Lawyers are Needed

State and federal laws establish protections to create an impartial climate in the work environment to protect the rights of each employee. When an employer or other employees violate these laws, legal action may be appropriate when a company does not address the actions. Even when a company takes action against unfair practices, their efforts may not be in the best interest of an employee experiencing a work-related issue like the ones discussed below.

Workplace Injury

A New York labor lawyer can offer guidance to employees injured on the job, assisting with filing a workers’ compensation claim and ensuring fair treatment and compensation for their injuries. A personal injury claim may be the best course of action in some instances when negligence results in an accident. Weighing the options of legal action in a New York workplace injury in Syracuse and Central New York while trying to recover is an exceptional challenge that can be addressed by a labor lawyer who is focused on your best interests.

Wage and Hour Disputes

An employee may need a labor lawyer in New York when disputes involving improper compensation arise. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and New York Labor Law address fair compensation. New York unpaid wage claims may arise over various incidents, requiring a New York labor attorney to assist with filing a complaint, negotiating with an employer, or filing a lawsuit for unpaid wages.

Employee Discrimination

Employee discrimination takes many forms. Two of the most prevalent forms of workplace discrimination in New York occur through harassment and a hostile work environment. Any behavior used to intimidate or diminish an employee or behaviors used to subject someone to unwanted sexual advances or promises in return for sexual favors should be addressed immediately by a labor law attorney in New York. These behaviors can make it challenging for employees to perform their jobs, risking the unfair loss of employment.

Whistleblower and Retaliation Protections

Employees have the right to protection from retaliation when reporting an employer’s misconduct. Employees also cannot face retaliation for participating in a protected activity. If you are facing retaliation for reporting misconduct or are the target of retaliation because of your age, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or any other protected class, a labor attorney in New York can offer guidance.

Time Limits Govern New York Labor Law Issues

Taking the first step to correct labor issues can feel uncertain, but waiting to file a complaint or file a lawsuit can result in an employee’s inability to be compensated once the statute of limitations has passed. These time limits vary depending on the action being addressed. Contact Gattuso & Ciotoli, PLLC online or call (315) 314-8000 to schedule a free consultation with a New York Labor lawyer who will work extensively to provide thorough representation, applying New York Labor and Federal Laws to your claim or lawsuit.